Tuesday, May 30, 2006

some long weekend, mass working, mass income too, lol

saturday, set up maybank at toa payoh, ran into some familar people!

too bad i wasn't posted there though.

got posted to some wedding at sengkang! learnt alotta stuff due to tons of time on hand. even fell asleep on the mixer while waiting for the bride n bridegroom to come.

some funky 'i'm a bee!' stuff

mackie flied too! but who has to know that

some slacking at studio + minor unloading means i reached home at 1.

sunday! some lame GRC shiet at keat hong

freaking rained, event got cut short and i got bloody soaked.

went home changed, went to Ulu Pandan for a supposingly 'karaoke' show

arrived, saw people setting up 60 tables.

boss paniced, ordered tons of stuff to be brought down

setted up mass stuff, went to toa payoh to unpack stuff

a treat at some 24hr prata shop meant i reached home at 1.30

surprisingly i got notice on monday to collect my pay.

some GSS madness, some oppurtunity to start looking at my levis, ripcurl and my g2000

shopping soon!

wonder who's around to jio, considering the whole world is missing

some random attempt at ***** ****** is seemingly failing too, some sad, lol

Saturday, May 27, 2006

guess someone left a parting gift before leaving for canada...

and latest updates on my pathetic life?

slept 3 hours yesterday, and 4 hours later, cos working at 7.30

which brings my sleep average for this week to a grand total of 3/day

01) What is the phone brand?
Sony Ericsson

02) What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?

03) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
its raining ald... lol...

04) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?

05) Who's the last person you rang?
jing yang

06) Who was your last missed call from?

07) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?

08) What does the last message in your inbox say?
welcome to M1! get quick acces to 4D/TOTO, Movies, Horoscopes, Soccer & Stocks via M1 xplorer in your phone menu now! visit mi.world.com.sg for details and charges

09)Who comes up under J?
jane, janice, jason ang, jason goh, jayne, jeffery, jeremy, jervis, jessie, jia jun, jian rong, jian wen, jing yang, joanne, jonathan, junior

10) Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say?
hey so tomorrow the toa payoh thingy i doing?

11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?
shi hui

12) Who's your network provider?

13) How many messages are currently in your inbox?

14) What do you have as your background?
a Lamborghini Gallardo

15) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?

16) Who do you have on speed dial 3?

17) If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?

18) Who's the first person who comes up under C?

19) How many bars of signal do you currently have?

20) What do you have as your main ringtone?
Mission Impossible III Theme

Thursday, May 25, 2006




1. Iceman & Rouge & Shadowcat are not supposed to be in a love triangle! Rouge is supposed to be with Gambit n Shadowcat is supposed to be with Colossus!

2. Colossus is supposed to be Russian.

3. Dark Phoenix is supposed to be obessesed with Cyclops, not kill him


1. Shadowcat(Ellen Page) is one cute chick!

2. Storm(Halle Barry) looks so damn hot and kickass with short white hair!

3. Angel is basically useless

4. Juggernaut still has a jug for brains

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ahh... left out a couple of details

weili's sending off at bugis breko!

haha, my once 3D0 leader is gonna fly off to brunei

met up with alotta peeps, including berilyn, derrick, kang ni, zhi jian, cynwell, dawn, lornie, jason, adelyn, madelyn, shu hui, ric and the common few.

hahaha, sure drives home the fact school was alotta fun with this people there.

funky stuff, been having expensive dinners for the past week, some making up for all the good food i missed during my period of home confinement?

AVFE was completed today, am kinda proud of my own production, though nothing amazing

gonna start on video soon! guess i'm gonna be putting forward my little inspiration, and of course that will require some quality casting

female leads i have a ample list... but guys...

damn suddenly u notice there are really lack of guys to go around, for once i actually pity the girls, lol

well, best piece of news i recieved today is that due to the fact i dont have papers for this common test, i have a potential 3 week holiday coming up!

talk about the best time to start on my new job, hopefully that is

Friday, May 19, 2006

ahhh not exactly diligient in blogging lately, maybe cause my life is bloody hectic.

assignments and assignments just keep pouring in

sad to say for the past 4 days, i've only slept 3, 2, 3, 3 hours

causes being sleeping late(3am) due to WISP, waking up early(5am) due to volunteered work

and not to mention the champion's league finals(5.30am)

been drinking coffee the moment i reach school, lunchtime and early evening to keep myself away

talk about a addict

well at least some of the load is over and done with, some anyway

and my family isn't exactly helping

some screwed up opinions from someone think he knows everything when he doesnt know anything

well guess this weekend should be a much deserved break

that is if i manage to get my AVFE done asap, then maybe sunday = rest

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i finally got my new phone! SE W810i!

for those who didn't get my new number(i sent a sms)

its probably

1. i lost/forgot your number

2. i intentionally lost/forgot your number

so just drop a sms this week ya?

my old number's still functional

and i recently saw the best local site i ever seen

talk about jaw dropping

fates dances amongst us
weaving treads of affinity
revelation of a truth
where bonds of kinship
interwined as such

Monday, May 15, 2006

its god damn freaking 5am in the morning and i can't freaking get to sleep

it sure doesnt help i got class in 7 hours time

i want my w810i...

i need music...

ok that was totally random and totally unrelated, but what the heck

i'm so bored i'd be better off dead

freaking hell of a life if you ask me

Sunday, May 14, 2006

everything in life is a simple matter of make use, or made use

so called best friends are made use to relieve boredom

we make use of each other to attain our own benefits

noble sacrifice?

simply because by making someone happy, you're happy

self beneficial in the end

everything has its price

yet there are times others pay the price for you

Friday, May 12, 2006

day 8 of chicken pox

around 10 more bloody pox to go

i can't freaking believe i've been home for 8 days...

thats like 192 hours...

and still counting!

ahh... for all i know by the time this is over

i wouldnt even know how to put on jeans or my shoes

god damn chicken pox

Thursday, May 11, 2006

hope is comforting
it allows people to live through the most tragic of fate
people would die for hope
that, is all there is to hope
only to forget sorrow
even for just a moment

Monday, May 08, 2006

ahhh day 5 of chicken pox

well at least the minor bumps are healing, i think

the itch is alot lesser

and guess the daily dose of felicia chin on tv is helping

so much for not watching television

i miss batam

i miss rifle range

i miss town

i miss proper food

i even miss school

Thursday, May 04, 2006

damn, after running for 19years...

it seems somethings can't be escaped...

after 19 long years...

i am finally stricken with chicken pox


the itch is killing me la

no to mention there is the constant urge to squeeze the liquid with the boils

and its only the first day

i am so gonna go crazy...

1 week of home confinement!?

1 week of my dad's cooking!?

1 week of facing nothing but my com & my ps2?!

somebody kill me please...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

haha, this is totally random

just taught i'd emphasize on something i said earlier

we are humans because we learn to adapt

haha, somehow i find it weird how some people always manage to complain when changes appear

changes are what make life more interesting no?

negative changes only serve to make u appreciate positive changes more

if we dont learn to grow up and to take things in our stride, instead expecting the world to forever spin for us...

i'd think we'd end up like those pea for brains dinosaurs and just die off

which i would think is a much better alternative than leading the life of a pea brain

not that this post is aimed at anyone

it just suddenly occured to us

and if anyone is getting pissed reading this

i guess it kinda reflects on thee, since your conscience must be screaming : "man thats me!"

and false pretence? oh boy nothing irks me more than this

but i wont go into details

acting noble for personal gains is one way too common practise

ah well, who gives a shit, not that i'd keep in close contact with people like that

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

oh boy... seem to be developing some habit of leaving my laptop at home nowadays.

twice i've tried going to school only to realise i dont have my laptop

some boring stuff

and the elections seem to bringing me tons of headaches, even though i'm not standing for elections

firstly, they've interrupted my sleep TWICE with their dumb lorry rallies

second, they distracted me on the way home, only for me to step into a bloody hole

ah well, rifle range was some kinky stuff today

i need to recall some of those NCC songs

tip toe right toe keep up the tempo
tip toe right toe wei wo wei wo~

sigh, been commenting to certain people lately

not like there's any disputes, but school's been getting cold

friends graduating, and we're not making any new 1s...

guess the positive effects of the society are finally showing

and it was probably the main reason i joined in the first place

one of the best decisions i made, it seems

got to know some of the best people around

not to mention its some way outta certain stuff, sure makes my life more fufilling

Monday, May 01, 2006

90% of what people say when they're joking is the truth, as concealing it as a joke allows them to say what they really mean to say without having to bear the responsibility of it.

some interesting stuff i just heard, appears its kinda true too, yours truly being a repetive offender.