Monday, June 11, 2007

ahh finally got off my lazy arse and updated the friend's list, still lost pretty much of them tho.

trust someone who spent the last 3 years in a computer related course to forget to back up date.

either ways, i guess if u're name isnt on the list, and you happen to know who i am, guess i'll appreciate it if u left a comment or something.

and i guess i should give jason some limited credits, considering i ripped off his whole friend's list and removed the people i dont think i know.

limited credit because the links were in total disarray, thus some effort in arranging them. but guess i cant complain about free stuff.

some random mahjong session that went from a lack of players to an abundance! but that's for later.

in the midtime, let's see if i can actually follow that 1am bedtime restriction i placed on myself.

except the fact my computer's clock reads 1.07am.


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