Friday, August 04, 2006

wow... its been a long day, a day spanning over 60hours

went out clubbing after work with zul, yan ling and yewchio, some long time no see!

hilarious stuff and bad bartending whole night long

skipped out on my bed to head to school for presentation

guess it just proves my incapabilities, despite what i've always believed

when i used to think i was the only person i could trust, what happens now when i have became untrustworthy too?

i used to reject authority without substance, and yet it seems i'm slowly becoming the very person i depise so much

so much, i barely see any worth in myself, guess u could call it a personality re-evaluation?

continued on to work, stocktaking on budget sleep was pretty much a torture.

some paperwork and numbers didnt exactly make my day any better, but well, work is work.

if work was always enjoyable it probably wont be work?

what continued is some long hours of video editting

not exactly what i had in mind, but considering my contribution, i guess its not much to consider anyway

final product is some kinky stuff too!

judging from presentation, at my humblest i'd say its 1 of the top products!

well, time to end this 60hours day...


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