Friday, June 09, 2006

ahh... sleeping in has become somewhat of a habit nowadays...

for one, i woke at 6.30pm, or 1830...

only point of noting is the class outing yesterday?

though i found it a tad too formal... feels like some school excursion

dinner at crystal jade, usual stuff?

went for hiagen diaz ice cream, where we called in on kenneth

some genius, i forgot who asked for discount, a question his young n rather hot manager didnt seem to take lightly of

rum & raisen + macadamia nuts means i'm 6.90 poorer

some random trips to see planes landing/taking off

n random trips to changi/geylang

reason why i catagorised the 2 places together is pretty obvious i guess

some random conversation exchanged in the car is no thanks

some random sexual harrassment to a certain person is no thanks too, i guess, lol


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some random harbor

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my favourite picture of the night

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last but not least, my pathetic attempt at taking a picture of the moon

stars highlight none but the harsh truth that some things are truly out of reach to the human hands

oceans are the epitome of hypocrisy, for her unparrelled beauty hides a malice no man can hope to survive


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