Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ahhh! i can't stand the sight of electrical stuff

spent the whole of last night doing the bloody UED, in which my trusty program hanged on me thrice.

note: not ONCE, not TWICE, THRICE!

not to mention some random stuff throughout the day only serves to piss me off

best part? other than the usual stuff

our unusually pleasant lecturer suddenly postponed the presentation by three weeks

note: not ONE, not TWO, THREE!

some long chat too

afterwhich there was a horrendous ride to beach road

horrendous in more ways than one

went to bugis, attempted to hunt for my ip zone pants and guess what


bloody hell, its a asian country, so for god's sake bring in more small sizes!

shall continue my hunt soon, in the midtime, start on my AVFE, do more flash

basically get on with my boring life


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