Thursday, April 27, 2006

well, guess all that rubbish is finally at an end

some valuable lessons learnt, hopefully

its about time we stood up for ourselves, instead of hiding behind authority and expecting the school to settle all our problems

about time we realised the school isnt obliged to settle our shit

about time we realised by enrolling in this course of this school, we have agreed that we'd be liable to take up animation, art and programming

about time we realised we're so much more luckier than those before us, who never had a chance for changes

but one freaking thing still irks me, its that we got 3 innocent party in trouble, for some shit we didn't even attempt to solve ourselves.

in a sense, 自己拉的屎还要其他人来檫

which to me is bloody pathetic, and in case whoever this may concerned is interested, i meant everything i said with every ounce of malice intended

on a side note, pretending to be looking at the whole cause, while fighting for individual glory is some pathetic stuff that can otherwise be classified as hypocritic.

simply think of the solutions proposed at the very beginning and what you're saying now

sometimes i wonder, does knowing the reason really matter?

even if the reason is unclear, the situation remains the same, life goes on similarly, why go to all the trouble finding out the reason when its not gonna help?

people lately are simply too pampered, they expect their lives to be catered nicely according to their needs, not knowing that things in this world are often against the individual needs.

as i said, we are humans cos we learn to adapt

whining and making a storm in a teapot isnt gonna change anythings

no doubt, things are gonna change as of this moment

so what if i've made an enemy of all whom i've stood by this years?

at the very least i can be proud that i stood firm to my beliefs, i dont have to change my stand based on what the so called 'majority' is

even now i believe a single voice backed by reason is much more powerful than a 1000 without. though this is a world where not everything is fair, in fact, it is more often than not baised to those blessed with power.

so much for majority influence or whatever crap that is


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